Thursday, January 27, 2011

test shoot - the first changing room

I headed out to the theatre last week to get an idea of what has changed over the years, how the natural lighting conditions would look on camera and simply figure out how much art direction would be needed. Firstly I found out that they are re-decorating the whole stage, so that plan kind of went down the drain. Now I have to get really creative with how the side-stage will be used (if even that). The show itself is performed in a different city, Motala, premiering on the 5th of February so I will head up and have a look before I shoot that.

Naturally, as the theatre itself is closed for reconstruction, the make-up rooms and changing rooms are a hollow ghost of what they used to be. There are three different rooms like these, each with a different color tone (walls and lights). The whole lot of the test footage is shot on ATW, only differing in exposure when needed. I will most likely have to rely more on natural light than I'd like, so it's better to get to now the location and what it has to offer. The first room surprised me looking more green than expected, in reality it's quite yellow. Lastly I went back and did a skin color test, but it turned out rather dark.

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