Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Auditions are piling up. One week-end, seventeen auditions. After the workshop with Nadia Tass back in Melbourne I have decided to use the audition as a screen/camera test and record the whole audition as well. Once two girls are picked (the one for the dream alter-ego of Eve and  one for Celia's voice) its time to put the post-production wagon behind and get back into production again!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

scene ten

Scene ten - check. Scene eleven - check. Scene twelve - under progress.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oh, don't you worry! The pants... will stay on!

While my access card is sorted out, allowing me access to the editing suites, studio, building 3 & 6 after hours and the postgrad room, I work on some more editing at home on the laptop. Not the ideal screen or built in audio, but it works. Today I'm putting together the second scene which is when Celia arrives and talks frantically about everything and nothing. I have parts of this scene re-shot at night-time, but to start with I'm cutting together a daylight-to-dusk time of the day before attempting putting together an evening scene. To match the continuity on that might take more time than expected... Meanwhile, I'm marveling at the art-direction and am quite happy with how the plasma got replaced by the budget-choice - a newspaper.

Friday, March 4, 2011

In one way the post-production phase has started. I have 60-65% of the film covered, what remains now are the dream sequences. For that I need new actors - more specifically a new girl to play the dream-version of Eve. I met up with two 3rd year students from WAAPA, but I have a feeling (since they haven't gotten back to me yet) that I'll have to continue my search.

It also hit me that I need to make up my mind about what sort of soundtrack I intend to have. On top of finding a composer to co-work with, I need a sound engineer/designer which hopefully will kick ass when coming to the ADR-phase. The guy I had in mind had relocated to Melbourne. Meanwhile, I'm hoping to get a rough cut together by the end of next week with what I've got.