One might think starting watching Darren Aronofsky's latest, Black Swan, with beautiful Natalie Portman and stunning Mila Kunis, at four in the morning might ruin the viewing experience. It didn't. After obsessing all year over Matthew Libatique's photography (Iron Man, The Fountain and Requiem for a dream) I knew I had to see this film, beside it being another collaboration of Libatique and Aronofsky. Furthermore it dealt with a subject close to my heart, dance. I was literally sitting with goosebumps as Nina dances as the Black Swan in the end, not only because of Portman's performance both as a ballerina and an actress, but because of the orchestrated use of sound effects of bird wings. This Too Shall Pass, with its dream sequences, must be more than just location-sound and beautiful soundtrack, it must be so much more than that. I'm thinking eerie, I'm thinking haunting. There will be winds. Winds
sneaking in through the muffled barrier of a window.

I wasn't completely satisfied with Black Swan however. While locations served the life of the characters, I was let down by the lack of colors in them. It was a very bleak and fragile world of a ballet dancer. I love seeing Mila Kunis in anything outside of That 70's Show, she is a pleasure to watch. While both actresses are pretty faces to admire, one simply couldn't constantly be blowned away by Portman's emotional portrayal of Nina. I hate the characteristics of dancers like Nina, so humble, so modest and insecure, always apologizing, but wow was it heart-wrenching to watch. Finally, I always take apart performance scenes on a stage. The camera-work (how will I manage without a handycam?) through the dancers, circling them, or the effective lensflares of stage-lights. It could be an overwhelming task to lit a stage for a performance number, but I have Alex Waern as my light technician. It will be amazing, I'm sure of it.

I can´t wait to watch it!! Yesterday I watched some videos of the choreographer and I think the performance of Natalie will be great!